You can start with simple pair challenges. The easiest is to sit opposite each other and take it in turns to do some simple tests, and gradually raise the level depending on how brave and daring you are. You can either improvise or write all the tests on cards and take it in turns to draw them out one by one.
There are hundreds of little challenges, but our top 10 is this one:
- Wear my underwear for a day.
- Shout in the street how much you love me.
- Leave me your mobile for 2 minutes.
- Upload a photo of my choice to your whatsapp profile.
- Dance sensually.
- Dress up in my clothes and upload a photo to your social networks.
- Tell me the 5 things you like most (or least…) about me
- Guess through kisses the ingredient I have on my lips.
- Explain, in detail, your most daring fantasy.
- I would never…” questions

Challenges for couples using “truth or dare” apps.
Nowadays, there are other more modern options to do challenges for couples and put your partner to the test (and at the same time embarrass him or her a little bit, the good kind…). Nowadays, the hottest thing is mobile apps.
Until recently, we had to rely on inspiration and ingenuity to come up with questions on our own, but now there are countless apps available for the classic “truth or dare” that never disappoint. They’re a bit like the old-fashioned game but using new technology. If you’re short of ideas, these apps can get you out of a jam; there are even some that allow other features such as sharing content or uploading photos.
Challenges for couples – travel with your couple

If you want to go one step further and you’re the kind of person who likes to make it happen, you can plan a romantic trip with your couple.
Use the DareMapp app to visit hundreds of cities without depending on schedules, at your own pace and in your own language. And, of course, TOTALLY GAMIFIED AND FUN.

what do you think about these original ideas to make challenges for couples, can you think of other fun challenges, do you know other apps for couple tests? Write it in the comments and share your wisdom.